Death anniversary
of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Khutba by Dr Zahid Aziz,
for Lahore
Ahmadiyya UK, 26 May 2023
“Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good that He will surely make them successors in the earth as He made those before them successors, and that He will surely establish for them their religion, which He has chosen for them, and that He will surely give them security in exchange after their fear. They will serve Me, not setting up any partner with Me. And whoever is ungrateful after this, they are the transgressors.” — ch. 24, v. 55 |
مِنۡکُمۡ وَ
فِی الۡاَرۡضِ
کَمَا اسۡتَخۡلَفَ
مِنۡ قَبۡلِہِمۡ
۪ وَ لَیُمَکِّنَنَّ
لَہُمۡ دِیۡنَہُمُ
الَّذِی ارۡتَضٰی
لَہُمۡ وَ لَیُبَدِّلَنَّہُمۡ
مِّنۡۢ بَعۡدِ
اَمۡنًا ؕ یَعۡبُدُوۡنَنِیۡ
لَا یُشۡرِکُوۡنَ
بِیۡ شَیۡئًا
ؕ وَ مَنۡ
کَفَرَ بَعۡدَ
ذٰلِکَ فَاُولٰٓئِکَ
ہُمُ الۡفٰسِقُوۡنَ
﴿۵۵﴾ |
Today is
the 115th anniversary of the death of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Founder of the
Ahmadiyya Movement. It is therefore appropriate to say a few words about his
mission and his services to Islam. This verse which I have recited promises
Muslims that Allah will safeguard their religion through raising up among them
successors to the Holy Prophet Muhammad just as among the Israelites before
them there was a long line of successors after Moses. This verse refers to the
coming of Mujaddids among Muslims and saints or auliya who
receive inspiration from God. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to have been
appointed by Allah as a Mujaddid, or reviver of religion and reformer of
the Muslims. In line with this verse, he also stated that the history of
Muslims after the Holy Prophet Muhammad bears a great similarity to the history
of the Israelites after Moses, both in terms of its ups and its downs. The
upside was that the kind of work for which prophets came among the Israelites —
to bring them back to the worship of the One God — Allah raised saints among
Muslims to do similar work. This upside was required because the downside was
that Muslims, who had been given their religion through the Holy Prophet
Muhammad, would later deviate from their religion and go wrong in a similar
manner to how Israelites deviated from
their religion which had been brought to them by Moses. And their deviations
are described in detail on both the Quran and the Bible.
Hazrat Mirza sahib gave several
reasons why Mujaddids are required. One is to continue the work which
the Holy Prophet Muhammad did by means of the Quran. He wrote a book, among his
very many books, entitled Shahādat-ul-Qur’ān. Its purpose was
to show how, according to the Quran itself, Mujaddids will arise. In
this book he also uses other terms for them such as spiritual khalīfas
(“successors”), “spiritual teachers” (rūḥānī mu‘allim),
“heirs” (wārith) and “deputies of the Prophet” (nā’ib-i
rasūl). He quotes the
well-known verse of the Quran in which Allah says: “Surely We have revealed the
Reminder (i.e., the Quran), and surely We are its Guardian” (15:9), and writes
that: “This makes it clear that this Word of God shall endure forever, and such
persons shall constantly be arising who shall keep its teachings fresh and
convey its benefits to the people.”
He goes on to write that the Holy
Prophet came to deliver the two main functions of the Quran: (1) to teach the
wisdom, the knowledge and the fine points of the Quran, and (2) to display its
spiritually purifying power which cleanses the soul. “The guarding of the
Quran”, he writes, “is not only to take great care of its manuscripts … but
what is meant here is the preserving of the function and the efficacy of the
Quran along with its textual preservation”. And this guarding can only be done,
he says, “if, from time to time, assistants or deputies of the Holy Prophet
come (nā’ib-i rasūl) who reflect the blessings of
prophethood”. And their achievement will be that “the religion shall be revived
at their hands and security shall be established after the prevalence of fear,
i.e. they shall come at times when there would be disruption in the house of
Islam”. By security being established he means that the Mujaddids arise
at a time when Islam is facing tremendous challenges to its teachings, and the
religious leaders of the Muslims are unable to meet those challenges, and
Muslims are perplexed and worried about the survival of their religion. The Mujaddids
in that situation are guided by Allah on to how to defend and save Islam, and
through their work they make the Muslims feel safe and secure.
Hazrat Mirza sahib writes further:
“Although it cannot be denied that the textual preservation of the Quran is of
a higher standard than for any other book in the world, and it is also
miraculous, still it can never be imagined, in the case of God Who looks to
matters spiritual, that by guarding is meant merely the preservation of words
and letters.”
Referring to the fact that the Quran
is called a dhikr in this verse and in many other places,
he writes: “In fact, the word dhikr clearly testifies that the Quran
shall be preserved in its capacity as the dhikr till the Day of
Judgment, and its true dhākirs (i.e., those reminding people of its
teachings) shall ever continue to appear.”
Another reason he mentions as to why
it is necessary that Mujaddids and inspired saints arise from time to
time among Muslims is in order to convince them in their hearts of the
truth of spiritual realities, such as the existence of God and His sending His
revelation to humanity. You can give people these teachings in words, and they
can read them in the Quran, but they need some sort of living proof which
should come again and again in the world because, as he points out, “no one has
ever seen God or paradise or hell or met angels”. Furthermore, in order to act
on the commands of God, people need to have certainty in the truth of religion,
and this is very difficult for people who are living a very long time after the
time of the Holy Prophet. He writes:
“It is clear that the depth of true faith shown by the
Companions of the Holy Prophet, and the great sincerity with which they
sacrificed their possessions, lives and names in the path of Islam, was not to
be found even in the people of the second century, let alone the later
centuries. What was the reason for this? It was just this: that the Companions,
God be pleased with them, had seen the face of this Man of Truth whose being a
lover of God was testified to spontaneously even by the tongues of the
disbelieving Quraish. … Then they realised that God exists, and their hearts
cried out that that God was with this man.”
God could not deprive people of later
generations of similar experiences, so He sent Mujaddids, in whose lives
they could see God acting and supporting them. Otherwise, although they might
believe in the religion superficially but it would not be with the depth or
fervour of faith which makes them eager to follow religion. Hazrat Mirza sahib
writes that, as God is Raḥmān and Raḥīm
(Beneficent and Merciful), He cannot punish people for their rejection of His
message, or their laxity and slackness in acting upon it, if He has not
made arrangements to prove to them, fully and properly, that the Quran is from
Him, and left them without knowledge of the virtues, merits and blessings that
are in His holy Book.
He also explains that in every age proving
the truth of Islam has to be done in a different way, according to the needs
and the problems of that age: “for every age the conclusive proving of the
truth of Islam takes place in a different sense, and the Mujaddid of the
time comes with the powers, faculties and qualities upon which depends the
reformation of the prevalent evils of the time.” He writes further:
“The Quran is certainly a reservoir of all knowledge,
but that does not imply that all the knowledge in it was disclosed in just one
age (i.e. at the time of the Holy Prophet). On the contrary, corresponding to
the kinds of problems that are faced the appropriate Quranic knowledge is
disclosed, and corresponding to the issues of every age, for the resolving of
those issues spiritual teachers are sent who are the heirs of the messengers of
God. … And the Mujaddid whose work bears striking similarity to the
appointed task of one of the messengers, is called by the name of that
messenger in the sight of God.”
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad has made it
clear that prophets cannot come after the Holy Prophet Muhammad. In this book
that I have been quoting from, he writes: “As our Leader and Messenger, the
Holy Prophet Muhammad, is the last of the prophets (khātam al-anbiya’),
and after him no prophet can come, for this reason saints come in place of
prophets in the Islamic system (i.e., as opposed to previous systems).” Again,
he writes: “Prophets certainly cannot arise among the Muslims, but if khalifas
of the Holy Prophet do not come either, showing the marvels of spiritual life
from time to time, then the spirituality of Islam comes to an end.”
He also answers those Muslims who
object that since Islam is the complete and perfect religion, there is no need
for a Mujaddid. He writes:
“When have we said that Mujaddids and saints
come into the world to remove something from the religion or to add to it? On
the contrary, we say that when, after the passage of a period of time, the dust
of corrupted notions settles upon the holy teachings, and the face of the pure
truth is hidden, then to show that beautiful face there come mujaddids,
Divinely inspired saints and spiritual khalifas. … they do not come to
abrogate the religion, but to display its shine and brilliance. … Suppose, for
instance, that someone builds a house, constructs all its rooms elegantly, and
fulfils all its requirements as a building to the best standard; then after a
time storms blow, rains come, dust and dirt settle on the decoration of the
house, and its beauty is hidden; if then one of his descendants should want to
clean and wash the house but he is forbidden on the grounds that the building
was complete, it is obvious that to forbid him is sheer stupidity. Sadly, such
critics do not realise that completion is one thing, and the periodic cleaning
of a completed building is another. It should be remembered that the Mujaddids
do not add anything to the religion, nor take anything away from it; they
reinstate lost faith in the hearts.”
may Allah enable us to continue the mission of the service of Islam for which
the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement came as Mujaddid, as he has stated
in the above lines, ameen.